This is the inaugural post of Between Meal Snacks. Here, I will share yummy morsels, spirtual "snacks," to enjoy between meals or anytime as a light refreshment. Unlike earthly snacks, these certainly will not dull your appetite. They are to be more like "appetizers" that will pique your appetite and make you hungry for more of God's Living Word.
Usually, these posts will be related to or inspired by a current study. They are not intended to be a replacement for deeper, personal studies! Word by Word, line upon line, precept upon precept ...
As the Lord leads, here we go:
It is likely that most of you have noticed the "I AM" statements that run throughout the Bible!
Well ... one morning years ago, during my personal study time, I distinctly "heard" the LORD "say" to me, "I AM is in here." Now, I did not hear an audible voice. But, you know how you "know-that-you-know" some things? This was definitely one of those times!
I started underlining, in red ink, every I AM that I found in my Bible. At first, I thought to myself: 'Is this a weird thing to do?' Was I just messing up my new Bible? The blessing soon became obvious. WOW! As I turned each page, the words, "I AM" seemed to jump out at me from everywhere ... in both Testaments!
What a mighty, powerful, faith-building exercise! To this day, the LORD continues to reveal more and more, about His awesome name and nature, through His "I AM" statements. Bless His heart!
Did you know? Out of only 37 verses in Leviticus 19 ... I AM THE LORD is repeated 15 times! Through these verses, He reminds us that:
1. He has the wisdom to establish the laws
2. He has the power to enforce them, as well.
~ Jon Courson's Application Commentary Old Testament, Vol 1.
I challenge you, If you haven't already done this ... sit down with the LORD, your Bible and a red pen ... and see what He shows you!
Got yummy tidbits from God's Word? We would all love it ... if you would share your snacks with us too!
Shalom, my friends ...
1 comment:
OH MY WEST COAST FRIEND.....THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS ON THIS GLORIOUS FALL DAY! Tidbits, I'll say... more meat than often we realize:) I love the NAMES of God....There are so very many changes in the world right now that, for me, it is always a sure place to stand when I can KNOW the NAME! "I AM".... says so very much to me.
(PS... thank you for your dear comments on my blog) seems I've gotten so lax in putting my thoughts "out there".... and deciding what can go in and what needs to just stay on a journal page can be excruciating for me. I've begun to make each year into a book for my girls and myself, so of necessity, there has been more family types of info.... so thank you for reading and responding. YOU ALWAYS are noticed by me and recognized for your blessing to me.
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